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Not sure what will go here, but it's under construction in any case...

Brookline Church
Acutally, Carol Won was the first of Sandra's sisters I would actually meet. I went to Brookline Church during law school, as did Carol. She requested in the guestbook to describe my unusual method of getting to church, so here it is! Back then I was training for the Boston Marathon. Now more than anything, marathon training requires a certain amount of running every day, which is kind of a time drain. I didn't have a car in those days, so would take the bus when I wanted to go to church. Well, the buses in Boston run pretty darn slow, since they keep making stops and people keep getting on and off and they have to wait at lights, etc... So I figured out that it takes about the same amount of time to run to church as take the bus, so why not just use that transport time to train? I really meant no disrespect to the church, and would even carry nice clothes in a backpack so I could change before coming in. I guess people still thought it was odd though. Especially on muddy days.

Dave's first tuna!
This is a picture of Dave catching a 30lb. albacore tuna off the coast of Rosarito, Mexico. One of the many benefits of going to San Diego for medical school!

Hey, baby, will you marry me?
This is Gus Lee, the son of Betty and Arnold, good friends of Sandra who seem to destined to be with her wherever she goes - first North Carolina, then Virginia, and now the Boston/Providence area. Sorry, Gus, Dave got to Sandra first, not to mention the slight barrier of the age difference!

So you wanna have three sons...
So most of you who are Sandra's friends probably know by know that she's always wanted THREE SONS. When I first heard this, I asked, "Are you crazy?!?" This is because my reference point is my little nephew, Chan-hi, who is great but hard to keep up with. Imagine three of him running around causing havok. I mean, just look at this picture: what the heck is he thinking here? What mischief is he up to? No one knows, but one thing's for sure: he is a HANDFUL! I asked Sandra again whether she wanted three sons after spending the weekend with the Chan-monster. Her answer? "Well, maybe just two..."

Girl Power!
Who out there has seen this show the Powerpuff Girls? It's this show about three super=powered sister that fight crime. I saw it the other day, and they sure reminded me of Sandra and her sisters. Anyone else see the connection? The red one is Sandra, because she is the oldest and a scientist. The blue one is Carol, because she is kinda girly and very sweet. The green one is Debbie, because she is athletic and adventurous. Not shown here is Mojo Jojo, who is the mischievous monkey that causes a lot of trouble. I thought that might be me, but Sandra says I'm not mean enough.

This is one of my favorite images
I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking.

This is one of my favorite images
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